Thirty years ago, Summer Musical Enterprise was founded to provided quality musical theatre to the New River Valley featuring its most important resource—its people! The mission lives on and is stronger than ever!
Fast-forward to today and we are pleased to still provide fully staged Broadway-style musicals complete with pit orchestra to patrons in the New River Valley, the Roanoke Valley, West Virginia, North Carolina and beyond. Our mission mentions our most important resource—our people—and we are proud that every show is run by and performed by talented cast and crew members from our area. This year’s show evidenced that with creators from Floyd, Giles, Montgomery, Radford, and Pulaski.
We appreciate the generosity of our Board and patrons who support us each year through their charitable giving. This support makes it possible for us to have professional sets and costumes, dazzling special effects, and to keep ticket prices comparable with other performing arts organizations.
Will you consider making a new donation or increasing the amount of your annual donation to help us meet our mission of providing quality musical theatre in the New River Valley? We offer a monthly donation option. All or part of your 2022 donations to our 501(C)3 nonprofit may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Please check with your tax advisor.
To make a donation by check, please mail to: P.O. Box 10654. Blacksburg, VA 24062